Special Abilities

General Abilities

Name: Description:
Band This SA signifies that an entire Troop of 3 – 6 of this model may be fielded together without a Leader. The Troop cannot have any other models in it. This Troop cannot be absorbed into another Troop via the Regroup Action. The Troop must begin play with a minimum of three models in it, and can have a maximum of 6 models in it. A player may build as many Band-based Troops as he has models with the Band SA, but no data card may be in more than one Banded Troop. Models with this SA may also be fielded in their normal role in addition to the Band.
Blink A model with this SA does not cover intervening ground when performing a Move, Charge, or Run Action. When this model performs a Move, Charge, or Run Action, simply place the model at the destination point, ignoring all intervening models and terrain. LOS is not needed to the destination point. However, the model cannot move to a destination point that is unreachable with normal movement (e.g., on top of a building). A Discipline Check is not needed to break away from B2B in combat. Blink models do not gain the 2″ movement bonus from Charge or Run Actions.
Construct A model with this SA cannot be Shaken and is immune to the effects of Poison and the Fearsome, Nauseating, Shock, and Vampire SAs.
Damage Reduction/# Some models are especially hard to hurt. A model with this SA ignores the first (#) points of damage taken on each Troop Activation. Successful hits still cause Model States (e.g., Burning, Poison, Stunned, etc) even if the damage taken by the hit is ignored. Model States and the damage caused by those states (Burning, Poison) ignore Damage Reduction.
Deflect/# A model with this SA gains a +(#) bonus to DV against ranged attacks.
Displaced Once per activation, a model with this SA may choose any one successful damage-causing attack made against it and may pass a Discipline Check to ignore all damage and effects caused by that attack. Note: Models with this ability temporarily lose this ability whenever they have the Damage Reduction SA.
Dodge/# A model with this SA gains a +(#) bonus to DV against melee attacks.
Doppleganger On a friendly activation, if a model with this SA is already in B2B or becomes in B2B contact with an enemy model of the same or smaller base size, it immediately gets the choice to, as a free action, change its shape to be a mirror image of that enemy model, such that other enemies cannot tell them apart. While in this mirrored state, this model may not be targeted or attacked by any other model, except for the model that it is copying. The only exception to this is that any model attacked by the Doppleganger, cloned or not, may take defensive swings against it. If this model comes into btb with multiplte enemy models, it must choose which model to mirror. If an enemy model comes into btb with this model while it is not cloning, this model may not change its shape. A Doppleganger can only change its shape once per activation.
Fearless A model with this SA can never become Shaken and is immune to the Fearsome SA.
Fearsome A model with this SA is extremely intimidating to models around it, both models wishing to attack it as well as models attacked by it. Any enemy model wishing to Charge a model with this SA must first pass a Discipline Check. Succeeding at the check allows the Action to continue as normal. If the Discipline Check fails, the model may move up to a maximum of half the distance between itself and the Fearsome model (assuming that the model had enough MOV to reach the Fearsome model), but no further, nor may the model change its movement and go into B2B with any other model with this move. When a model with Fearsome comes into B2B with an enemy model, the enemy model must pass a Discipline Check or become Shaken. Models with the Fearless, Fearsome, or Mindless SAs are immune to the Fearsome SA. Fearsome works additionally with other SAs (like Shock), potentially causing defending models to have to make multiple, separate Discipline Checks, one for each effect.
Hover A model with this SA moves over terrain without touching the ground, and as such is not affected by any Movement Modifiers. The model may also move over models on the ground, but may not end its movement in the same table-top space as another model. Hovering models may not pass through impassable objects like buildings.
Immunity (X) A model with this SA is immune from all effects of X. X can be other SAs, Attack types, or rules in the game.
Leader (X) A model with this SA may field Soldiers named (X) in their Troop, even though they normally would not be allowed due to the Soldier having a higher Cost than the Leader.
Leap A model with this SA can use a Move, Charge, or Run Action to jump over models and walls of smaller Base Size. The total movement must be in a straight line and must be completed in a single Action. A Leaping model must have enough space to land and must end its movement on the ground.
Lock Shields When three or more friendly models with this SA are in B2B with each other in a straight line, they each get a +1 bonus to their DV and MD.
Mindless A model with this SA cannot be Shaken and is immune to the Fearsome, Nauseating, and Shock SAs. Mindless models may not perform Focus Actions and do not gain any melee bonuses from Support, although they do lend Support to non-Mindless models as normal. Mindless models do not gain the benefit from the Inspire Action.
Mob A model with this SA may be taken as one of the additional models above the normal Troop Capacity in a Troop that is led by a model with the Mob Leader SA.
Mob Leader A model with this SA may take up to five additional models above its normal Troop Capacity. The additional models taken must have the Mob SA.
Mounted A model with this SA receives a 4″ movement bonus during a Charge Action, instead of 2″.
Musician A model with this SA provides +1 MOV to all models in its Troop (including itself). This does not stack with the Musician Troop Equipment bonus.
Nauseating Due to the stench, sight, or makeup of this model, it is more difficult for enemy models to approach. When an enemy model moves into B2B with this model, it must pass a Discipline Check to be able to conduct a Fight Action during that Activation. Models already in B2B and models performing Defensive Strikes are not affected, as they have become accustomed to the Nauseating model. Constructs, Mindless models, and models attacking with the Reach SA are unaffected by Nauseating.
Non-Corporeal A model with this SA has the ability to move through terrain and solid objects, and as such is not affected by any Movement Modifiers except Increase Elevation. The model cannot move through enemy models unless those models have either the Non-Corporeal SA or the Undead SA. Models that are Non-Corporeal may not end their movement in the same table-top space as another model or inside any physical piece of terrain. Non-Corporeal models cannot become Poisoned.
Overwhelm When 3 or more models with this SA are in B2B with an enemy model, the enemy model gets -1 #MA. When 5 or more models with this SA are in B2B with an enemy model, the enemy model also gets a -1 penalty to MAV. These penalties last as long as there are the appropriate number of overwhelm models in B2B with the enemy model to achieve these penalties.
Example: 5 Overwhelm models are in B2B with an enemy model. The enemy model gets -1 #MA and -1 MAV. As soon as one of the Overwhelm models dies, the enemy model only suffers -1 #MA. If two more die, the enemy model no longer suffers any of these penalties.
Raider A model with this SA gains +2 to any Discipline Check when attempting to disengage from B2B.
Ranger/# A model with this SA may conduct a single Move Action, up to (#) inches, during the Pre-Battle Phase.
Regeneration/# A model with this SA may use a Free Action once at the beginning of each of its Activations to attempt to remove 1 point of damage from itself. This must be attempted at the beginning of its Activation before any other Actions have been carried out. To do this, the model makes a 10+ Roll and adds (#). If the result is successful, remove 1 point of damage from the model.
Resilient/# Models with this SA have a high tolerance for pain that allows them to disregard some damage inflicted on them. Each Activation, a Resilient model may make a 10+ Roll, adding (#) to their die roll, against the first damage-causing melee attack from each enemy model. If the check is successful, the Resilient model ignores the first point of damage caused by that attack.
Roar A model with this SA can use a Specialty Action to force all enemy models within 6″ of it to pass a Discipline Check or become Shaken.
Short A model with this SA does not block LOS, nor provide cover, for any models except other Short models. A Short model gains +1 DV against any melee attacks by models with a larger Base Size than it has.
Spy A model with this SA allows you to delay one initiative card in the Draw Deck once per game. Only one card may be delayed in this manner for each model that possesses this SA. The delayed initiative card is set aside, and the next card in the Draw Deck is drawn. After the Activation of the initiative card, the delayed card is played. Spy cannot delay cards already delayed by another Spy. If more than one card is delayed (i.e., one card from the Spy SA and another from a spell or other SA), the delayed initiative cards are played in the same order in which they were delayed (i.e., the first card delayed is the first card played).
Stealth Models with this SA cannot be targeted by ranged attacks from farther than 12″ away. If a Stealth model provokes Defensive Shots, those shots can be taken using the defending model’s normal range. Models with Stealth do not block LOS for any models more than 12″ away from them.
Summoned (X) A model with this SA does not have to be deployed at the start of the game. It can be summoned during play by (X), and (X) can be anything, such as a model type, SA, Alignment, or Affiliation. If the model is not deployed during the Deployment Phase, it adds no cards to the Draw Deck until it has been summoned into play. By using a Specialty Action, any (X) model may summon up to three models with the Summoned (X) SA into play within 2″ of it. The models may not be summoned into the same space as another model, so there needs to be enough room for their bases. However, they may be summoned into B2B with enemy models. Summoned models with the Flyer SA may be summoned as Flying and models with the Burrow SA may be summoned as Burrowed. After models with the Summoned (X) SA have been placed, they may each take one Action of any type. If the summoned model is not a Solo model, it automatically joins the summoning model’s Troop, ignoring Troop Capacity. A summoned Solo model will add a card to the Draw Deck next End Phase. If there are no remaining models of (X) type that can summon the model with the Summoned (X) SA, the model with the Summoned (X) SA may not be summoned.
Swarm A model with this SA is, by nature, a cluster of small individuals that make up a single data card. Swarms are immune to the Fearsome, Nauseating, and Shock SAs. Swarms may not perform Focus Actions and do not gain any melee bonuses from Support, although they do lend Support to non-Swarm models as normal. Swarms cannot be the target of Exploding Sacrifice or Domination spells. They also cannot gain the Cursed, Stunned, or Disabled Model States.
Tactician A model with this SA grants you a bonus card for your Draw Deck. A player may choose whether or not to include any bonus cards at the start of each Initiative Phase. When the model with this SA is destroyed, remove the bonus card during the End Phase.
Tough/# Whenever a model with this SA takes enough damage to destroy it, it makes a 10+ Roll and adds (#). If the roll succeeds, the model is not destroyed, but instead is left alive on its last Damage Track. If the Tough model is destroyed by First Strike attacks (the first attack by models with the First Strike SA or the Pike SA), it does not get to make this roll and is instead destroyed.
Undead A model with this SA is considered Undead for purposes of special rules or spell effects and is immune to the effects of Poison and the Vampire SA.
Vampire When a model with this SA destroys an enemy model in melee on its own Activation (i.e., not with Defensive Strikes), it may immediately perform a single Free Action of feeding upon the destroyed model to heal 1 point of damage. Performing this Action on a model with the Fearsome SA heals 2 points of damage instead of 1. Models with the Construct or Undead SAs, as well as any model that was summoned into play, may not be fed upon. Afterwards, the destroyed models are removed from play as normal. Alternatively, a Vampire model may perform a Free Action any time during its Activation to destroy and feed upon a friendly human Soldier model it is in B2B contact with, to heal 1 point of damage. This SA may only be used once per each Vampire’s Activation.

Magic Abilities

Name: Description:
Innate Spell (X) A model with this SA possesses the named spell instead of entire Tomes and may cast the spell as many times as it has Spell Points to do so. The model may not cast spells from the Open Tome, but it may spend its Spell Points on Counterspelling an attacking Spellcaster’s spell as per normal. Spell Points are still lost when casting is unsuccessful.
Ranked A model with this SA gains LOS through a friendly model it is in B2B with, as long as the friendly model is of the same Base Size or smaller.
Siphon Soul A model with this SA may use a Specialty Action to cause 1 point of damage to a friendly model within LOS in order to gain 2 Spell Points.
Warcaster A model with this SA treats Fight and Spellcast as separate Actions and can perform both in a single Activation. Furthermore, a Warcaster does not suffer the -2 penalty to CP when casting a spell while in B2B with an enemy model.

Melee Abilities

Name: Description:
Assassin If a model with this SA hits an enemy model and destroys it in a Fight Action, the enemy model does not get to make any Defensive Strikes against the attacking assassin model and does not get to make a Tough roll, even if it has the Tough SA.
Bloodlust A model with this SA receives a +1 MAV bonus to all melee attacks, including Defensive Strikes, against damaged models. This bonus is not received against models with the Construct SA or the Undead SA.
Bludgeon If a model with this SA hits an enemy model of a smaller Base Size in a Fight Action on its own Activation, the defending model suffers a -2 non-cumulative MAV penalty to its Defensive Strikes. If it hits an enemy model of the same Base Size in a Fight Action on its own Activation, the defending model suffers a -1 non-cumulative penalty to its Defensive Strikes.
Cleave A model with the Cleave SA does an extra point of damage with each hit when the Attack Check is at least 3 higher than the defending model’s DV.
Critical When a model with this SA achieves a hit rolling a natural 10, the hit does an extra point of damage. If the model focused first, then rolling a 9 or a 10 gains and extra point of damage.
Curse Any model that is hit in melee by a model with this SA becomes Cursed. If the model with this SA is performing a Fight Action (as opposed to using Defensive Strikes), then this effect applies to the Defensive Strikes of the defending model for this Fight Action.
Demoralize At the end of any Activation in which a model with this SA kills an enemy model, all other enemy models in B2B with this model must pass a Discipline Check or become Shaken.
Disable Any model that is hit in melee by a model with this SA immediately becomes Disabled until the end of its next Activation. If the model with this SA is performing a Fight Action (as opposed to using Defensive Strikes), then this effect applies to the Defensive Strikes of the defending model for this Fight Action.
First Strike When a model with this SA Charges an enemy model, it may make one attack before the defending model can react. The First Strike attack counts as one of the model’s normal attacks. Conduct the First Strike attack as a normal single melee attack, but apply any damage before conducting the remaining attacks and Defensive Strikes. The First Strike SA may also be used on Defensive Strikes when the model is Charged. In this case, conduct a single Defensive Strike against the attacking model and apply any damage before the attacker conducts its melee attacks. The attacker’s melee attacks and the defender’s remaining Defensive Strikes then occur normally. The Defensive First Strike counts as one of the defender’s Defensive Strikes. In the event that both the attacking and defending models have the First Strike SA, they conduct their First Strike attacks simultaneously. The attacker makes a single First Strike attack, and the defender makes a single Defensive First Strike. Damage is applied for both the attack and the Defensive Strike, and then the remaining attacks and Defensive Strikes are conducted normally. First Strike cannot be used with either the Frenzy SA or attacks performed with the Reach SA.
Flame Attack Any models hit by a model with this SA become Burning.
Frenzy A model with this SA may increase the number of MAs or Defensive Strikes up to twice their normal amount (or twice the amount they currently have available, in cases where they lose some Attacks, such as from Disable). However, for every extra MA or Defensive Strike taken, the model receives a cumulative -1 penalty to its MAV for all of its Attack Checks.
Life Seize When a model with this SA destroys an enemy model in melee, on offense or defense, it may immediately perform a single Free Action to try to drain the life force of the destroyed model to heal itself 1 point of damage. Models with the Construct or Undead SAs, as well as any model that was summoned into play, may not be drained. To successfully Life Seize, the player must succeed on a 10+ Roll, adding to the die roll the total number of DTs the destroyed model had, uninjured, at the beginning of the game. This SA may only be used once per enemy model destroyed (i.e., if multiple models destroy the same enemy model, only one of them may perform the Life Seize on that enemy model). If the Life Seize model was itself destroyed in the melee, it may still perform this check. If successful, the Life Seize model remains alive on its last damage track. After Life Seize checks are completed, the destroyed models are removed from the battlefield as normal.
Martyr A model with this SA may sacrifice its remaining Damage Tracks to gain +2 MAV for a single Fight Action. At the conclusion of the model’s attack, it is considered a casualty and is removed from the battlefield.
Mighty A model with this SA deals 2 points of damage (instead of 1) for each successful attack.
Parry A model with this SA may sacrifice Defensive Strikes to increase its DV when it is the defending model in a Fight Action. For each -1 MA, the DV increases +1. The player controlling this model must declare the amount it will sacrifice before any rolls are made. # MA can be reduced to 0. These changes only last for the current Fight Action. This SA may not be used with Frenzy.
Pike A model with this SA may make a single Defensive First Strike with one of its Defensive Strikes against any attacking model that Charged it this Activation. For the Defensive First Strike, conduct a single Defensive Strike and apply any damage before the attacker conducts his melee attacks. The attacker’s melee attacks and the defender’s remaining Defensive Strikes then occur normally. The Defensive First Strike counts as one of the defender’s Defensive Strikes. If the attacker has the First Strike SA and the defender has the Pike SA, they conduct their First Strike attacks simultaneously. The attacker makes a single First Strike attack, and the defender makes a single Defensive First Strike. Damage is applied for both the attack and the Defensive Strike, and then the remaining attacks and Defensive Strikes are conducted normally. Pike cannot be used with Frenzy attacks.
Poison Any time a model with this SA does damage to an enemy model, the enemy model automatically becomes Poisoned. Models with the Construct, Undead, or Non-Corporeal SAs are immune to Poison.
Provoke Any model hit by a model with this SA must direct all of its Defensive Strikes against the provoking model. If the model is hit by multiple models with this SA, it may distribute its Defensive Strikes amongst them as desired. If a model with the Swing-Through SA is hit by a model with the Provoke SA, then the Swing-Through model must choose that base side as the side to perform its Defensive Strikes.
Quick Strike When a model with this SA charges an enemy model, it may make one attack before the defending model can react. The Quick Strike attack counts as one of the model’s normal attacks. Conduct the Quick Strike attack as a normal single melee attack, but apply any damage before conducting the remaining attacks and Defensive Strikes. The attacker’s melee attacks and the defender’s remaining Defensive Strikes then occur normally. In the event that the defending model has either the First Strike SA or the Pike SA, the defending model conducts its first Defensive Strike at the same time as the Quick Strike attack. Quick Strike cannot be used with attacks performed with the Reach SA.
Rage A model with this SA gains a +1 MAV bonus on its first attack against any model it Charged this Activation.
Rampage Whenever a model with this SA hits an enemy models during its own Fight Action, and that enemy model is destroyed in that Fight Action, the Rampage model may immediately perform a single extra melee attack (assuming it survived the Fight Action) on any enemy model it is in B2B with as a Free Action. If there are no enemy models in B2B, the Rampage model may move up to 2″, also as a Free Action, to come into B2B with an enemy model to perform its free melee attack (all normal rules for coming into B2B contact would need to be followed). The defending model may perform a single Defensive Strike against the Rampage model. All regular melee rules and SAs still apply. The Rampage attack happens after all combat is resolved from the initial Fight Action, and thus any affects of that Fight Action will be in effect during the Rampage Attack. If the free Rampage attack destroys another enemy model, it does not provoke an additional Rampage attack.
Reach A model with this SA may make one melee attack against an enemy model through/over a friendly model of equal or smaller Base Size. The friendly intervening model must be in B2B with the enemy model, and the enemy model must be directly opposite the Reach model, so the model with Reach and the target enemy are on opposite base sides of a friendly model. The Reach model is not considered to be in B2B contact with the model it is attacking, but its attacks still provoke Defensive Strikes even if the models in B2B with the enemy don’t attack. The Reach model contributes to any Support bonuses as if it were in B2B with the enemy model if – and only if – it participates in the combat and makes an attack. Simply standing in the Reach position does not provide Support. The Reach model may only be the target of Defensive Strikes if the enemy model also has the Reach SA. Attacks performed from the Reach position cannot use the First Strike SA. Reach models may perform a Charge Action to move into the Reach position. Warlords and Captains with the Reach SA may perform an Inspire Action from the Reach position.
Runeweapon In addition to normal Fight Action resolution, models with this SA also compare each Attack Check to the defender’s MD. If the attack check is equal to or greater than the defender’s MD, 1 extra point of damage is done to the defender.
Rush Attack To use this SA, a model must use both a Move Action and a Charge Action (in that order). If at the end of the Charge Action the model is in B2B with an enemy model, this model makes a single melee attack against any one enemy model it is in B2B with. The defending model may not make more than one Defensive Strike against each Rush Attack model that attacked it with the Rush Attack. All regular melee rules and SAs still apply. This attack is resolved along with any other Fight Actions performed by other models during this Activation, as per usual combat rules.
Savage A model with this SA savagely attacks its prey, ripping and clawing at them. On its Activation, if it successfully hits the same model with two or more attacks, a single additional point of damage is done to the defending model as it is mauled.
Shock When a model with this SA Charges an enemy model and then conducts a Fight Action in the same Activation, the defending model must first pass a Discipline Check to get its Defensive Strike(s). A failed Discipline Check means there can be no Defensive Strike(s) (even if attacked by another model in the same Activation). If multiple models with the Shock SA charge and conduct melee attacks against the same model, the defending model must pass a Discipline Check for each model with the Shock SA that charged and attacked. Failing a single check means the defending model cannot conduct Defensive Strikes. Shock works additionally with other SAs (like Fearsome), potentially causing defending models to have to make multiple separate Discipline Checks, one for each effect.
Smite (X) A model with this SA gains +1 MAV when attacking any models of the (X) type. (X) may be anything, including a model type, an SA, Alignment, or Faction.
Spiked Models with this SA gain +1 #MA for their Defensive Strikes.
Swift Attack To use this SA, a model must use both a Charge Action and a Move Action (in that order). If at the end of the Charge Action the model is in B2B with an enemy model, this model makes a single melee attack against any one enemy model it is in B2B with. The defending model may not make more than one Defensive Strike against each Swift Attack model that attacked it with the Swift Attack. All regular melee rules and SAs still apply. This attack is resolved along with any other Fight Actions performed by other models during this Activation, as per usual combat rules. After the attack is resolved, this model breaks away from B2B automatically and must use its Move Action to move at least half of its MOV away from the defending model in any direction. A Flying model with Swift Attack may swoop down and make this single attack against a ground model without needing to land, and then continue either flying away (if it chooses not to land or doesn’t have the room to land) or running away on the ground.
Swing-Through A model with this SA doesn’t target individual models with its attacks, but instead targets sides of its base. For each attack, the model chooses one base side, in order to perform a melee attack on each model, friend or foe, in B2B with that side of its base. Once a base side is determined, the attacker declares a corner of the base as the starting point. Attacks are resolved in order, beginning with the model which is closest to the starting point on the target side. Each attack after the first receives a cumulative -1 modifier to the Attack Check for that attack. The attacker continues to roll attacks until it has reached the end point. If the attacking model has more than one #MA, this process is repeated for each MA (the cumulative -1 modifier is reset at the start of each attack). This SA may be used in conjunction with all other melee SAs, in both offensive and defensive combat. If used in conjunction with Reach, the player must choose whether to use it with the Reach attacks or the B2B attacks, but not both in the same attack.
Trample A model with this SA may use its Fight Action to move in a straight line over and through models with Standard size bases, up to the distance of its MOV. The Trampling model must enter one side of an enemy model’s base and continue in a straight line that exits out the opposite side (i.e., the Trampling model cannot just clip the corner of another model’s base), until it no longer overlaps the enemy model’s base. The Trampling model does not need to completely cover the enemy model’s base. The Trampling model must move in the direction that a flat side of its base faces (no model may turn 45 degrees to use a diamond base-shape in an effort to cover more area), and models on a Cavalry base may not use the long side of its base for this face. The Trampling model must have enough room at the end of the movement for its base, as in a normal movement, for it may not end its movement on top of another model. The movement must be completed before any attacks are made. Once the movement is completed, the Trampling model makes a single melee attack on each trampled model, in the order it Trampled them. All Melee SAs apply. Each defending model performs Defensive Strikes as normal, but the Disable SA cannot be used. Damage to the Trampling model occurs after each defender’s Defensive Strikes, and it is therefore possible that attacks against models at the end of the Trample will be conducted with a lower MAV. If the Trampling model is destroyed before it finishes attacking all of the models it trampled, the remaining models are not trampled and no attacks are made against them. If the Trampling model has the Tough SA, it makes Tough rolls each time it takes damage that would destroy it, as normal.
Vengeful If a model with this SA is hit during a Fight Action, it gains a +1 bonus to MAV for all Defensive Strikes for that Action.
Vicious Whenever a model with this SA damages another model, the damaged model must pass a Discipline Check or become Shaken. Only one Discipline Check is needed per Activation, regardless of the number of points of damage or the number of Vicious models attacking.
Weaponmaster A model with this SA may re-roll one missed attack per Activation. This cannot be used for Defensive attacks.

Ranged Abilities

Name: Description:
AoE/# Ranged attacks made by models with this SA do not affect only a single target, but rather have a circular Area of Effect with a diameter, measured in inches, equal to (#), and centered on the model the ranged attack targets. All models in that AoE are affected by the attack, and Attack Checks against those targets are rolled separately.
Blowthrough A model with this SA does not target and attack a single model as in a normal ranged attack, but instead targets and attacks all models in a line. To determine the models affected by a Blowthrough ranged attack, measure a solid line 1/2″ wide from any edge of the shooting model’s base out to the full distance of its range. Any model’s base touched by this line is affected. The Attack Check is rolled in order, beginning with the model closest to the attacking model. Each attack after the first receives a -1 modifier to the roll (the -1 modifier is not cumulative, but is a flat -1 modifier, regardless of how many more models are affected). The attacker continues to roll attacks until the attack has reached its maximum range. A Blowthrough ranged attack does not attack the same model more than once. Blowthrough may be used even if the model is in B2B with enemy models, and may in fact target a model it is in B2B with.
Critical When a model with this SA achieves a hit rolling a natural 10, the hit does an extra point of damage. If the model focused first, then rolling a 9 or a 10 gains and extra point of damage. But, by having this SA, it also means that this model foregoes the core rule of a natural 10 always hits.
Disable Any model that is hit by a ranged attack by a model with this SA immediately suffers a Disabled token. If the model with this SA is performing the Shoot Action (as opposed to using Defensive Shots), then this effect applies to any Defensive Shots of the defending model for this Shoot Action.
Flame Attack Any models hit by a model with this SA become Burning.
Indirect Shot A model with this SA may use a Specialty Action to gain the ability to make a ranged attack against a target it does not have LOS to. The target needs to be within the normal, non-extended Range of the attacking model. This requires two separate Actions: the Specialty Action to gain the ability, and the Shoot Action to make the attack.
Magic Attack (X) A model with this SA rolls a single dice for each attack as usual. The results of the die or dice rolls is compared to both the DV and MD of the target model. If the roll is enough to beat the MD of the target, then the Magic affect takes place. If the result of the magic affects more than the target model, (for example it causes an AOE spell affect) then new dice are rolled for each model affected (like normal for models caught in an AOE spell affect).
Mighty A model with this SA deals 2 points of damage (instead of 1) for each successful attack.
Pierce A model with this SA does an extra point of damage with each hit when the Attack Check is at least 3 higher than was needed to hit.
Poison Any time a model with this SA does damage to an enemy model, the enemy model automatically becomes Poisoned. Models with the Construct, Undead, or Non-Corporeal SAs are immune to Poison.
Ranked A model with this SA gains LOS through a friendly model it is in B2B with, as long as the friendly model is of the same Base Size or smaller.
Rapid Shot A model with this SA may use a Specialty Action to increase its #RA by 1 until the end of its current Activation. All attacks are made with a -1 penalty to RAV. This requires two separate Actions: the Specialty Action to gain the extra attack, and the Shoot Action to make the attack.
Sharpshooter A model with this SA ignores its opponent’s Deflect and Stealth SAs when making ranged attacks. This SA cannot be used with Indirect Shot.
Slow Fire Some weapons require more time to prepare a shot. To represent this, a model with this SA must use both Actions to conduct a Shoot Action. Successful attacks inflict 2 points of damage instead of the normal 1 point. A model with this SA cannot take Defensive Shots.
Sniper When a model with this SA hits an enemy model during a Shoot Action, and that model is destroyed during that Shoot Action, the enemy model automatically fails all Tough checks. This SA may not be used in conjunction with the Barrage spell and does not work if the Indirect Shot SA was used.
Spray Ranged attacks made by models with this SA have a cone-shaped Area of Effect rather than affecting only a single target. The starting point of the cone is ½” wide and must touch the attacking model’s base. The cone extends out 6″, growing to 2 ½” wide at the end. All models in that AoE are affected by the attack, and Attack Checks against those targets are made separately. This type of attack does not provoke Defensive Shots, nor may a model with this SA perform Defensive Shots. Use the Spray template provided at the back of this book for precise measurement.
Unhindered A model with this SA can make ranged attacks while in B2B with enemy models. It cannot shoot any of the models it is in B2B with. Using this ability does not provoke Defensive Strikes from any models it is in B2B with.
Warshooter A model with this SA treats Fight and Shoot as separate Actions and can perform both in a single Activation.
Weaponmaster A model with this SA may re-roll one missed attack per Activation. This cannot be used for Defensive attacks.
web When a model with this ranged SA rolls a successful “hit” on an enemy, that enemy does not suffer any damage. Instead, the enemy suffers a HELD token. This represents them being caught up in the web.

Special Movement Abilities

Name: Description:
Burrow A model with this SA has the ability to move underground. When on the ground, the model moves using its regular MOV value. While Burrowing underground, the model uses its Special MOV. A model with this SA that is not Burrowed may become Burrowed at the beginning of a Move Action. It may then move up to half of its Special MOV. Burrowed models may surface at the end of any Move, Charge, or Run Action, including for attacks using the Rush Attack SA or Swift Attack SA, for no additional movement cost. Models with the Burrow SA may begin play Burrowed. If the model begins play Burrowed and has the Ranger/# SA, it still uses the # as its allowed movement for the Ranger movement.
Flyer A model with this SA has the ability to fly. When on the ground, the model moves using its regular MOV value. While Flying in the air, the model uses its Special MOV. A model with this SA that is not Flying may become Flying at the beginning of its Move Action. It may then move up to half of its Special MOV. Flying models may land at the end of any Move, Charge, or Run Action, including for attacks made with the Rush Attack SA and the Swift Attack SA, for no additional movement cost. Models with the Flyer SA may begin play Flying. If the model begins play Flying and has the Ranger/# SA, it still uses the # as its allowed movement for the Ranger movement.