Magic Tomes & Spells


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Dispel 2 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Removes all negative Model States: Burning, Cursed, Disabled, Poisoned, Shaken, and Stunned.
All Exhume 2 Attack 12 5″ All Enemy Burrowed All enemy models that are Burrowed are brought up to ground level and are no longer Burrowed.
All Winglock 2 Attack 18 5″ All Enemy Flying All enemy models that are Flying are brought down to ground level and are no longer Flying.
Bloodstone Blood Storm 6 Attack 12 5″ All enemy models Models take 1 point of damage. As long as at least one enemy model takes damage, then all friendly models in the AoE gain the Bloodlust SA for the remainder of the current Activation.
Darkreach Provocation 1 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model gains the Provoke SA until the end of the next Game Turn. If cast on a model with the Assassin SA, the model loses the Assassin SA until the end of the next Game Turn.
Icingstead Immense Might 3 Non-Attack 12 N/A 1 Large Base Size model Until the end of the current Activation, melee attacks by this model against Standard Base Size models do one extra point of damage.
Mercs Smite 3 Non-Attack N/A Special All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop gain the Smite(All) SA until the end of the Troop’s current Activation.
Mercs Blade Barrier 4 Attack B2B N/A All Enemy UNIQUE: All enemy models in B2B with the Spellcaster take 2 points of damage. When casting this spell, the spellcaster does not suffer the usual -2 Penalty for casting a spell while in B2B with an enemy model.
Tembrithil Fruitful Branch 3 Non-Attack 24 N/A Special UNIQUE: Spell has to target Spirit of the Forest. If the spell is successfully cast, then the player rolls another D10, on a roll of 2-9, a single branch breaks off of the Spirit and becomes a Saproling Warrior. On a natural 10, two branches break off and become saprolings. Any produced saproling warriors activate when the Spirit of the Forest activates.
Tembrithil Entangle 4 Attack 12″ 3″ All Models become Held.
Tembrithil Thorns 2 Non-Attack N/A N/A All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop gain the Spiked SA until the end of the next Game Turn.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Poison 0 Attack 12 N/A 1 Target model becomes Poisoned.
All Weaken 1 Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model becomes Cursed.
All Rot 2 Attack 18 3″ All Models become Disabled.
All Toxic Cloud 4 Attack 18 5″ All Models become Poisoned.
All Blight 5 Attack 18 3″ All Models become Cursed and Disabled.
Bloodstone Blood Net 4 Attack 15 Special All enemy models Spellcaster harnesses the power of the bloodstone and chooses one Stone Zealot within 15″ of the Spellcaster and one or two additional Stone Zealots no more than 8″ from the first Stone Zealot. Spellcaster must have LOS to at least one of the chosen Stone Zealots. Upon casting, the energy bounces between those two or three Stone Zealots, forming a line or triangle. Any enemy model that is touched by the line or triangle, or whose base is encompassed by the triangle, is affected by the spell. Casting Checks are made for each model as normal, doing 1 point of damage to each model. Stone Zealots may not be included in more than one Blood Net spell per Activation.
Mercs Gangrene 5 Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model becomes Held and Poisoned.
Reptus Acid Venom 5 Attack 0 Special All Caster spews up Acidic Toxin that covers all in a straight line for 6 inches directly out from the caster. Treat the same as a blowthru, but is still Magic in nature for dice rolling purposes.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Bolt 0 Attack 9 N/A 1 Target model takes 1 point of damage.
All Arcane Shield 2 Non-Attack N/A Special All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop gain the Deflect/1 SA until the Troop’s next Activation. Models that already have Deflect gain +1 to their Deflect value. No LOS is needed for this spell.
All Teleport 5 Non-Attack 12/18 N/A 1 Target model within 12″ of the caster is transported to any point within 18″ of the caster. No LOS is needed to either location. If target model is an enemy model, the spell is considered an Attack spell. Models that are Burrowed or Flying may be brought to ground level at the destination point, but this spell cannot be used to place a model underground, in the air, or off the game board.
All Barrage 5 Non-Attack 12 N/A 1 Ranged Attack Model Target model’s RAV shots become 3″ AoE shots for its next Shoot Action. This spell cannot be cast on models with the Blowthrough SA. No LOS is needed for this spell.
All Mind Blast 6 Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model takes 2 points of damage and becomes Stunned. No LOS is needed for this spell.
Darkspawn Debilitating Pain 5 Attack 18 3″ All Models take 1 point of damage and a Stunned.
Darkspawn Hellfire 7 Attack 18 5″ All Models take 1 point of damage and are Burning.
Elves Blur 3 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Model gains SA Dodge/2 and Raider until the end of the next game turn.
Elves Mirror Image 3 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Elf An exact duplicate of the target Elf model is created and placed within 3″ of the target model. The duplicate is on the same damage track as the target model, and has all the same stats and SAs. The duplicate may perform 2 Actions as per normal, but disappears at the end of the Activation. Cannot be cast on a Warlord model.
Necropolis Banshee’s Wail 3 Attack Caster 5″ All Enemy Models become Shaken.
Necropolis Rigor Mortis 4 Attack 18 N/A 1 Target Model takes 1 Point of Damage and becomes Held. No LOS is needed for this spell.
Overlords Chains of Binding 4 Attack 24 3″ All Enemey Models become Disabled.
Sisterhood Prismatic Light 4 Attack Caster Spray All enemy models Models become Stunned.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Fear 0 Attack 12 N/A 1 Model becomes Shaken.
All Fearsome Demeanor 2 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model gains the Fearsome SA until the end of the next Game Turn.
All Life Drain 3 Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model takes 1 point of damage, and the Spellcaster is healed 1 point of damage.
All Summon Spectral Minions 5 Non-Attack N/A N/A N/A UNIQUE – By casting this spell, the Casting Model summons Spectral Minions into play. The Spectral Minions must be placed within 2″ of the Casting Model. After the Spectral Minions have been placed, they may take one Action, either a Combat or a Non-Combat Action. The Spectral Minions automatically join the Casting Model’s Troop, ignoring Troop Capacity. The number of Spectral Minions brought into play is dependent on the Casting Check.

Casting Check # of Minions
10-14 3 Spectral Minions
15-19 4 Spectral Minions
20+ 5 Spectral Minions

The Spectral Minions are 1-track models with the following stats: MOV 6, DIS 6, DV 8, MD 10, #MA 2, MAV 3, SAs: Non-Corporeal, Undead

All Exploding Sacrifice 6 Attack 18 Special All Enemy This spell is first cast on a friendly target model. This target model swells with death magic, causing it to explode. No Casting Check is necessary for this sacrifice. The model is then removed from play as infected flesh and shattered bone fly directly at all enemy models in the Area of Effect, which is centered on the exploding model. The AoE of this spell is 2″ for every remaining damage track the exploding model had, with a maximum AoE of 8”. Casting Checks are made against each enemy model in the AoE as per normal Attack Spell Resolution. Enemy models take 1 point of damage and are Shaken.
Kargir Hysteria 3 Attack 12″ N/A 1 Target model takes 1 point of damage and becomes shaken. Roll a d10 and move the model the distance of their MOV in the direction of the die.
Kargir Dying Breath 3 Non-Attack 18″ N/A 1 UNIQUE – When the target model is destroyed, it may perform a Fight Action as a Free Action (even if it already performed a Fight Action during the Activation) using the stat on its last Damage Track. This free Fight Action does not provoke Defensive Strikes.
Necropolis Necromatic Surge 3 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target Undead model is healed 1 point of damage and gains the Regeneration/5 SA on for its next Activation.
Razig Stench of Dead Fish 2 Non-Attack N/A N/A Spellcaster’s troop All models in the casters troop gain the nauseating SA until the end of the next game turn


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Divine Vigor 0 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model gains +1 #MA for its next Combat Action.
All Divine Presence 3 Non-Attack Caster 5″ All Enemy All enemy models must make an immediate DIS check or become Shaken.
All Blessing 3 Non-Attack N/A N/A All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop become Blessed until the start of their next activation..
All Divine Might 5 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model gains the Mighty SA for its next Close Combat Action.
All Resurrection 6 Non-Attack N/A N/A 1 Dead Model A model that has been killed and removed from the battlefield is resurrected and brought back on its second last DT. Place the model within 2″ of the caster. The resurrected model is assimilated into the caster’s troop, ignoring troop capacity limitations and may immediately take one Action of any type.
Crusaders Holy Burst 7 Attack Casting Model 5″ All UNIQUE: Affected Enemy Models without the Undead SA suffer 1 point of damage. Affected Enemy Models with the Undead SA suffer 2 points of damage. Affected Friendly Models have 1 point of damage healed.
Kargir Indoctrinate 3 Attack 12 5″ All Models gain the Fearless SA until the end of their next Activation. If any affected models were already Shaken, they are no longer Shaken.
Kragmarr Divine Strike 2 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target Model gains the First Stike SA until the end of the next Game Turn
Nefsokar Shared Fate 3 Attack 18 N/A 1 For the remainder of the game, any damage the Spellcaster takes is also done to the target model, and any damage done to the target model is also done to the Spellcaster.
Reven Battle Cry 3 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target Model gains the Roar SA until it uses the ability once.
Sisterhood Blessed Healing 3 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model is healed 1 point of damage and becomes Blessed.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Mire 0 Attack 12 N/A 1 Target model becomes Stunned.
All Shockwave 2 Attack 12 3″ All All models are pushed back 8″ in a straight line away from the Spellcaster. If a model would move through or land on a spot the miniature cannot be placed (e.g., a building or another model), the model stops short and is placed as close as possible to the obstruction.
All Wall of Stone 3 Non-Attack 12 Special N/A Creates either a permanent 1″ by 5″ size 1 stone wall or a permanent 1″ by 3″ size 2 stone wall anywhere within the spell range. The entire wall needs to be within the spell range, and it cannot be placed in the same space as a model.
All Molten Earth 4 Attack 1 Special All UNIQUE – Splits open the earth, causing a 1” x 5” area of magma to erupt from the ground. Any model on the ground caught in this area or trying to cross through it must resist the spell at the original Casting Power or take 1 point of damage. Burrowed models take 2 points damage. The magma remains in place for the remainder of the game.
All Earthquake 6 Attack 18 5″ All All models above ground are Stunned. All Burrowed models in the AoE suffer 1 point of damage. Models that are Flying are unaffected by this spell.
Dwarves Mountain Grip 5 Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model takes 1 point of damage and becomes Held.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Distract 0 Attack 12 N/A 1 Target model becomes Disabled until the end of the current Activation.
All Beguile 2 Attack 12 3″ All Models become Stunned.
All Incite 3 Non-Attack N/A N/A All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop gain the Rush Attack SA until the end of the Troop’s current Activation.
All Domination 5 Attack 18 N/A 1 UNIQUE – Spellcaster takes control of the target model, forcing it to immediately take two Actions as if the controlled model had Activated. The Spellcaster’s Troop may not take or declare any Actions until this dominated model’s Actions are complete. These Actions resolve independently from the rest of the Spellcaster’s Troop. If the controlled model attacks another model, the defending model may choose whether to perform Defensive Strikes. This cannot be used to force a Spellcaster to cast a spell, nor can it force a model to perform an action that would directly result in it taking damage or being destroyed (e.g., entering a Molten Earth or Wall of Fire, or using an SA like Martyr).
All Hold 6 Attack 18 3″ All Enemy Models become Held.
Bloodstone Blood Craze 1 Non-Attack N/A N/A All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop Any models in the Spellcaster’s Troop may choose to gain +2 MAV for all melee attacks performed during the current Activation. At the end of the current Activation, any models who used this bonus are removed from the battlefield as casualties.
Darkreach Sinister Shadow 3 Attack 18 N/A 1 During the target model’s next Fight Action, all melee attacks it performs are then also performed against itself, using the same Attack Check rolls it rolled, but without any of the model’s SAs and without any Fight Situation Modifiers. A model may only be affected by one Sinister Shadow spell at a time.
Darkspawn Mind Break 2 Attack 18 N/A 1 This spell can only be cast on a Soldier model that is on its last damage track. If successfully cast, the model is replaced by a Broken Fodder which joins the Spellcaster’s Troop and Activates normally starting on the Spellcaster’s Troop’s next activation. If the spell is resisted, the model takes a point of damage.
Icingstead Neutralize 3 Attack 18 N/A 1 UNIQUE: Target model loses one SA of the Spellcaster’s choice until the end of the current Activation.
Koborlas Agility 4 Non-Attack N/A N/A All Soldiers in the Spellcasters Troop Models gain the Dodge/1 SA until the end of the current Activation. Models that already have the Dodge SA gain +1 to their Dodge.
Overlords Trance of Khardullis 2 Non-Attack 12 3″ All Overlord Soldiers Affected models gain the Mindless SA and the Martyr SA.
Razig Mesmerize 4 Attack 18 3″ All Models become stunned
Reven Frenzied Charm 3 Non-Attack N/A N/A All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop gain the Frenzy SA until the end of the Troop’s current Activation.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Freeze 0 Attack 12 N/A 1 Target model becomes Stunned.
All Ice Shard 2 Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model takes 1 point of damage and becomes Stunned.
All Freezing Burst 3 Attack B2B N/A All Enemy All enemy models in B2B with the Spellcaster take 1 point of damage and become Stunned. When casting this spell, the spellcaster does not suffer the usual -2 Penalty for casting a spell while in B2B with an enemy model.
All Hail Stones 5 Attack 18 N/A 3 Spell creates three magical hailstones. Spellcaster chooses up to three separate target models and hurls the hailstones at them, performing a Casting Check for each hailstone. The same model may not be targeted with more than one hailstone. Each hit causes 1 point of damage.
All Freeze Ray 7 Attack 12 N/A 1 UNIQUE – Target model takes 3 points of damage and becomes Stunned.
Icingstead Frost Bite 4 Attack 18 3″ All models Models take 1 point of damage and become Disabled.
Kragmarr Ice Tunnel 3 Non-Attack 18″ N/A N/A The Spellcaster may select two 1″ x 1″ spots, no more than 12″ apart and both within 18″ of the Spellcaster, and create a permanent 1″ wide underground corridor at the Burrow level. Any Standard size model (friendly or enemy) may move from one spot to the other ignoring all terrain and models as if Burrowed. Movement while in the tunnel is the same as on a road. If this is cast over a Burrowed model, that model is now considered to be in or partially in the tunnel and may attack or be attacked by models in the tunnel. For the purpose of other spells and effects, any model in the tunnel will be considered Burrowed even if it does not have the Burrow SA.
Kragmarr Ice Blast 7 Attack Caster Spray All Models take 1 point of damage and become Stunned.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Hide 0 Non-Attack 12 N/A 1 Target model gains the Stealth SA until the end of the next Game Turn.
All Wings 2 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model gains the Flyer SA and may immediately become Flying as a Free Action. The model gains a Special MOV rate of 10. This effect lasts until the end of the next Game Turn.
All Scrye 3 Non-Attack Caster N/A 1 Delays the enemy’s next Initiative card by one spot in the deck (the card does not move to the bottom of the deck). No card may be Scryed more than one time per Game Turn.
All Burst of Speed 3 Non-Attack 18 3″ All Friendly Affected models may make an immediate Movement Action as a Free Action.
All Iron Skin 5 Non-Attack 12 N/A 1 Target model gains Damage Reduction/2 SA. The effect lasts until the end of the next Game Turn. If the target model already has the Damage Reduction SA, this spell has no effect.
Darkreach Adrenaline 2 Non-Attack N/A N/A All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop All models in Spellcaster’s Troop gain +2 MOV and +1 DIS until the end of next Game Turn.
Koborlas Rabid Fury 3 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 During its next Fight Action, the target model may perform two melee attacks against each enemy model it is in B2B with, instead of its normal #MA. All melee SAs apply as normal.
Nefsokar Part Death’s River 4 Non-Attack Special 5″ All Friendly The Spellcaster, and all friendly models with the Undead SA, are transported to any point within 18″ of the caster. LOS is needed from the Spellcaster to the destination point. All models transported with the Spellcaster must be placed within 3″ of the Spellcaster at the destination.
Reptus Feed the Young 3 Non-Attack N/A N/A Caster’s Troop If cast successfully, all models in the caster’s troop gain the Vicious SA for all Close Combat attacks until the end of the current activation.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Burning Touch 0 Attack B2B Special All Enemy All affected enemy models in B2B with the Spellcaster become Burning. When casting this spell, the spellcaster does not suffer the usual -2 Penalty for casting a spell while in B2B with an enemy model.
All Flaming Arrows 1 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model gains the Flame Attack SA for all Ranged Attacks for its next Ranged Combat Action. This spell cannot be cast on models with the Blowthrough SA.
All Wall of Fire 3 Non-Attack 12 Special All Spell creates a linear 1″x 5″ wall of fire. Casting Checks are made, at the original Casting Power, against any model caught in the wall or entering/crossing through it. A successful check means the model becomes Burning. Models that resist the spell are considered to have found a safe spot to stand within the wall, as are models that become Burning but take an Action to stop Burning without leaving the area of the wall. For models caught in the wall, moving out of the wall does not count as crossing through the it. Treat the wall as Size 1 Terrain for purposes of LOS and Cover. The Wall of Fire lasts until the beginning of the Spellcaster’s next Activation or the Spellcaster dies.
All Fireball 5 Attack 18 3″ All Models take 1 point of damage and are Burning.
All Firestorm 7 Attack 18 5″ All Models take 1 point of damage and are Burning.
Dwarves Fiery Hammer 3 Attack 18 N/A 1 Model takes 1 point of damage and becomes Stunned and Burning.
Overlords Flames of Khardullis 2 Attack B2B Special All Enemy All affected enemy models in B2B with the Spellcaster take 1 point of damage and become Burning. When casting this spell, the spellcaster does not suffer the usual -2 Penalty for casting a spell while in B2B with an enemy model.
Reptus Crimson Embrace 3 Non-Attack N/A N/A Caster’s Troop If cast successfully, all models in the caster’s troop gain the Flame Attack SA for all Close Combat attacks until the end of the current activation.
Reven Ignite 2 Attack 18 3″ All Enemy This spell must target a Burning model. All enemy models in the AoE become Burning too. Any enemy models that were already burning before this spell was cast, including the target model, take 1 point of damage.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All Lay on Hands 1 Non-Attack B2B N/A 1 Target model in B2B with the Spellcaster is healed 1 point of damage.
All Purify 2 Non-Attack 18 3″ All Friendly Removes all negative Model States: Burning, Cursed, Disabled, Poisoned, Shaken, and Stunned.
All Cure 1 2 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model is healed 1 point of damage.
All Cure 2 5 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model is healed 2 points of damage.
All Mass Cure 5 Non-Attack 18 3″ All Friendly Friendly models are healed 1 point of damage.
Crusaders Martyr’s True Restoration 5 Non-Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model is fully healed of all damage. Upon successful casting, the Spellcaster is removed from play as a casualty.
Crusaders Touch of the Gods 4 Non-Attack B2B N/A 1 Target model is healed 2 points of damage and loses all negative Model States: Burning, Cursed, Disabled, Poisoned, Shaken, and Stunned.
Dwarves Flesh to Stone 4 Non-Attack 12 N/A 1 Target model is healed 1 point of damage and gains the Damage Reduction/1 SA until the end of the next Game Turn.
Koborlas Purifying Spirit 3 Non-Attack 18 N/A All models in the Spellcaster’s Troop Removes the following negative Model States: Burning, Cursed, Disabled, Poisoned, Shaken, and Stunned.


Faction: Name: Cost: Type: RNG: AOE: # Affected: Affect:
All AirWalk 0 Non-Attack 12 N/A 1 Target gains the Hover SA for the duration of the game.
All Wind Wall 3 Non-Attack 12 Special All Spell creates a linear 1″x 12″ wall of wind. Any Ranged Attacks passing through the wall suffer -2 RAV. The Wind Wall lasts until the beginning of the Spellcaster’s next Activation or the Spellcaster dies, whichever comes first.
All Whirlwind 5 Attack 12 5″ All Models are randomly thrown 1d10 + 2″ in the direction the Casting Check die is pointing and become Stunned. Models on CAV bases get +1 MD, Large bases get +2 MD, and Giant bases get +4 MD against this spell. Roll separately for each affected model. If a model would land on a spot the miniature cannot be placed (e.g., a building or another model), the model stops short and is placed as close as possible to the obstruction.
All Chain Lightning 5 Attack 12 N/A Up to 5 This spell has the possibility of affecting multiple models. Only the first target model must be within LOS and Range of the Spellcaster. If the spell is successfully cast, the first model suffers 1 point of damage. The Spellcaster then chooses the next enemy target model. This next target model must be within 2″ of the first target model, measured from the edge of each model’s base, but does not need to be within LOS or Range of the Spellcaster. Chain Lightning continues in this manner until the spell has targeted five models or the spell has no other targets in range that have not already been targeted by Chain Lightning.
All Lightning Bolt 7 Attack 12 Special All UNIQUE – Spell creates a lightning bolt 1/2″ wide by 6″ long. Any model whose base is touched by this line is affected by the spell. The spell may start at any point within range and LOS of the caster, and then proceed in a straight line directly away from the caster. Note that the player does not get to choose the direction of the blast; it goes in a line directly away from the caster.
Elves Shocking Burst 3 Attack B2B N/A 1 All enemy models in B2B with the Spellcaster take 1 point of damage and become Disabled. When casting this spell, the spellcaster does not suffer the usual -2 Penalty for casting a spell while in B2B with an enemy model.
Nefsokar Sandstorm 5 Attack 24 5″ All Models may not conduct ranged attacks on their next Activation.
Razig Fog 3 Non-Attack Caster 5″ N/A UNIQUE: A dense fog surrounds the caster blocking LOS in or out for any model without the SA Undead. The fog travels with the caster and lasts until the end of the casters next activation. It has no affect on melee attacks or spells that do not require LOS.
Sisterhood Electrifying Jolt 2 Attack 18 N/A 1 Target model takes 1 point of damage and becomes Shaken.